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Information Technology

Information technology is a critical aspect of today’s colleges. Our mission at the District’s Information Technology department is to provide students, faculty, and staff with quality technology services and systems that foster learning, productivity, and collaboration. The District maintains a centralized and collaborative information systems department, providing services to both Mission College and West Valley College.

About Information Technology

We are responsible for operating and maintaining the physical infrastructures required to service the District’s desktop computers, servers/storage, and networks. Our department also oversees the core business and communication systems that include email, phone services, and ERP systems (student information, financial, and human resources).

Organizational Structure


Supports the technological infrastructure of the District’s colleges, ensuring that students, faculty, and staff have access to reliable and efficient digital tools and services.


Supports administrative computing, network infrastructure, software applications, and cybersecurity.

Educational Technology

Supports instructional computing, audiovisual equipment, software applications, consultations and trainings, and more.

IT Department Organizational Chart