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All interested licensed contractors are invited to submit their company for inclusion on the District's Informal Bidding Prequalification Contractor's List.

West Valley-Mission Community College District has adopted the California Uniform Public Construction Cost Accounting Act (CUPCCAA) and per California PCC §22032, any public works project estimated to be below $200,000 is subject to the Informal Bidding Procedures set forth by CUPCCAA.

Online Prequalif ication Application

Contractors that would like to be placed on the District's Informal Bidding Contractors List must prequalify by completing the District's online Prequalification Application via the PlanetBids Vendor Portal.

Bids Funded by Measure W

Work funded by Measure W is subject to the Project Labor Agreement for West Valley-Mission Community College District (“PLA”). Bidders and their subcontractors awarded a Contract for the Work must agree to be bound by the PLA during the performance of the work.
