Governance includes communication, documentation, and decisions about technology at the District. This encompasses everything from technology plans to advisory groups to District-wide technology policies.
Technology governance applies throughout the District, including at the two colleges and at the District office. The majority of IT systems and services are centrally run from the IT Data Center located at West Valley College, with some services running at Mission College. Currently, the colleges provide technical services and staffing to all computer labs and video services.
The WVMCCD Technology Plan (Tech Plan) supports the missions of West Valley College and Mission College through District-wide technology planning and integration with other institutional plans. Created by the Information Technology department, the plan focuses on District-wide policies and strategies, providing a technology vision for 2022 to 2025.
Technology Advisory Coordination (TAC) team promotes shared governance by setting IT standards and policies and fostering collaboration to enhance efficiency and align with strategic goals. The TAC team, consisting of IT managers, IT architects, and the vice presidents of administrative services from each college, meets monthly to discuss technology-related decisions and their fiscal and technical impacts. TAC meetings review projects and implementation plans.
The Change Advisory Board (CAB) consists of over 15 server, network, support, and management staff from the Applications, Operations, and Educational Technology Services groups who meet bi-weekly to discuss impacts, projects, or change management related to District technology resources.
The Administrative Procedure AP 3720 Information Technology Use applies to all District students, faculty, staff, and any other individuals granted access to District information resources. It encompasses all forms of District information resources, including computer systems and networks, whether individually controlled, shared, stand-alone, or networked. This procedure also covers non-District owned devices when connected to District networks or used to access District technology, including both wired and wireless electronic devices.