
Welcome to the Human Resources Department of West Valley-Mission Community College District!

The Human Resources Department serves and supports the faculty and staff of West Valley College in Saratoga, CA and Mission College in Santa Clara, CA.

The mission of the Human Resources Department is to empower the human capital of the District to focus on and create a student-centered learning environment.​

​Human Resources Organizational Chart

To better assist you, our constituents, in identifying the appropriate contact in Human Resources, we are posting our organizational chart. The chart lists names, titles, extensions and brief descriptions of the functional area each individual covers. Please feel free to reach out to the appropriate contact for your specific need.

You may also find direct phone numbers, as well as the links to directly email our staff, in the "HR Team" tab abov.

HR Org Chart 07.01.24.pdf


HR Team


Eric Ramones
Eric Ramones
Vice Chancellor, Human Resources
Monica Garcia
Monica Garcia
Executive Assistant to the Vice Chancellor
Mary Lonich
Mary Lonich
Executive Director, Human Resources - Operations
Executive Director, Human Resources - Employee Relations
invalid phone format
Verification of Employment
Rose Jackson
Rose Jackson
Human Resources Specialist - Classified Personnel
Danielle Ramirez-King
Danielle Ramirez-King
Human Resources Specialist - Administrators, Student and Short-Term Hourly
Le Quyen Lenshoek
Le Quyen Lenshoek
Human Resources Specialist - Leaves/Workers Compensation
Melissa Duran
Melissa Duran
Human Resources Specialist - Benefits
Choua Wu
Choua Wu
Human Resources Specialist - Recruitment
Ruth Nadig
Ruth Nadig
Faculty Specialist - Mission College
Tina Leech
Tina Leech
Faculty Specialist - West Valley College
Sara Valencia Hernandez
Sara Valencia Hernandez
Faculty Specialist - Lead
Liza Elish
Liza Elish
Human Resources Specialist - Training

Policies and Procedures



Before you write your proposal, read Article 44 of the WVMFT, AFT 6554/District agreement. 

The deadline for submission of completed electronic applications to the Faculty Specialists in Human Resources is the second Friday in October- October 11, 2024 by 5:00 PM. No late submissions will be accepted.

The deadline for submission of completed electronic Compliance Reports are due on the second Friday in April- Friday, April 12, 2024 by 5:00 pm. No late submissions will be accepted.

If you still have difficulties in writing your proposal, please contact Bickie ChoyCounseling Department, West Valley College.


Submit ​here:
SubmiPG&D Applications here:

Submit PG&D Compliance reports here:

PG&D Application Form-
PG and D Application 2024

PG&D Compliance Report Form-
Compliance Report Template PGD 2024

If you need to make changes to your original application, please use this form. Please send this form to Bickie Choy:
PGD Change Request Form 2024.pdf

​​If you have any further questions, please contact [email protected] -WVC,  [email protected] -MC or [email protected] -WVC/MC


Verification of Employment (VOEs)

To better assist you as you experience life changes (purchasing a home; new employment, etc.), the Human Resources Team has dedicated resources to complete any forms that are needed for a verification of employment (VOE). Please send VOE requests to the email: [email protected]

Please note that we do try to complete these requests as quickly as possible, but based on volume, it may take up to 72 hours.

For questions, please call: 408-741-2131.

Title IX Forms & Resources



Title IX requires that "no person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving federal financial assistance..."   As such, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 prohibits discrimination based on the gender of students and employees of educational institutions that receive federal financial assistance.  West Valley-Mission Community College District ("WVMCCD" or "the District") is governed by Title IX.




All educational institutions that receive federal financial assistance are affirmatively required to adhere to Title IX regulations.  Even if only one of the institution's programs or activities receives federal funding, all of the programs within the institution must comply with Title IX regulations.



Athletic departments are not the only component of college life governed by Title IX.  The regulations prohibit sex discrimination in regard to all programs, including:


 Course offerings, classroom access, grading, and other academics

 Student counseling and academic support

 Hiring and retention of employees (staff, faculty, and administration)

 Job related benefits and leave

 Pregnancy


In addition to sex discrimination, Title IX also prohibits sexual misconduct (which includes sexual harassment, gender harassment, and sexual violence).  Additional information regarding what behaviors may constitute sexual harassment and other forms of sexual misconduct is available in WVMCCD's Title IX Policy located on its website and in its student, faculty, and employee handbooks. Title IX serves to protect the rights of men and women.  Title IX requires that males and females receive fair and equal treatment in all educational and employment areas.


Title IX also protects individuals who report sex discrimination and sexual misconduct from retaliation by individuals or by institutions.  The reporting of incidents of discrimination is integral to the effective enforcement of Title IX law.  Therefore, the protection of complainants, as well as the accused, is important.  Retaliation against any individual who reports or makes a complaint about a Title IX violation will not be tolerated at WVMCCD.  The District will impose appropriate corrective action against any individual found to have engaged in acts or threats of retaliation.



Certain employees of the Colleges and District are required to report instances of alleged violations of Title IX.  Without exception, if an employee is not sure if a situation warrants reporting, he/she must seek guidance from the Title IX Coordinator.  It is essential that institutions receiving federal financial assistance operate in a nondiscriminatory manner.  To ensure compliance with the law, adherence to Title IX regulations is everyone's responsibility.  The penalty for failure to comply with Title IX, in the extreme circumstances, can include the termination of all or part of an institution's federal funding including grants and student loans.  It can also result in the termination of a College or District employee or the dismissal of a student.



Any member of the WVMCCD community, who believes he/she has been the victim of sex discrimination, sexual misconduct, or who has witnessed such conduct, should report such misconduct or file an informal or formal complaint with the College's Title IX Coordinator.


Students who believe they have been or, are victims of sex discrimination or sexual harassment, including sexual assault or sexual violence on or off campus, whether by College employees, contracted services employees, other students or non-community members, are encouraged to request immediate personal support and assistance from any member of the Office of Student Services or the Title IX Coordinator.  Student complaints against other students concerning sexual assault, sexual violence or other sexual misconduct may be made on an informal or formal basis with the College's Title IX Coordinator or WVMCCD's Police Department.  All complaints filed with or received by the Police Authority will be forwarded to the Title IX Coordinator, who will direct that an appropriate investigation be conducted. 


Employees who believe they are being harassed or discriminated against on account of their gender should promptly make a report to the Title IX Coordinator, to his/her supervisor, to the Associate Vice Chancellor of Human Resources and Director, Compliance, Training & Employee Relations; a campus President.  All reports made to the employee's supervisor, campus President or the WVMCCD Police Authority must, in turn, be immediately forwarded to the District Associate Vice Chancellor of Human Resources and the Director, Compliance, Training & Employee Relations.



1. WVMCCD will utilize its best efforts to protect all College community members from sex discrimination, gender-based harassment, sexual harassment, sexual assault, and sexual violence.  


2. WVMCCD will take affirmative and corrective action whenever it becomes aware of possible sex discrimination, sexual assault, sexual violence or other sexual misconduct within the College community, whether or not a complaint has been made.  


3. In order to meet its Title IX obligations and to the extent possible, every effort will be made to keep the details of complaints confidential if requested to do so by a victim of sexual misconduct and to follow the District's procedures for conducting an investigation and recommendations.  However, the District's ability to strictly observe confidentiality may be compromised where the safety of members of the community is judged to be at risk.  


4. The safety and security of all members of the College community is a priority matter.  


5. The internal investigation of a complaint will be conducted, and a decision rendered, no matter the timeline or outcome of case adjudication by external authorities. Expanded information concerning sex discrimination, sexual harassment, sexual assault, sexual violence, and WVMCCD's Title IX Policy and Procedures Governing the Reports and Investigation of Title IX Complaints, can be found in WVMCCD's student, faculty and employee handbooks, as well as on the College's website.



The United States Department of Education's Office for Civil Rights (OCR) is in charge of enforcing Title IX.  Information regarding OCR can be found at www.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ocr/index.html

Report an Incident


West Valley-Mission Community College District encourages everyone to report all forms of gender-based discrimination and sexual misconduct to the College, District and/or the police. Making a report means telling someone in a position of authority what happened – this can be in person, over the phone, or in an email. Contact the Title IX Coordinator or submit an online complaint form Title IX Incident Report.

Please note the Title IX Coordinators deal specifically with gender-based discrimination and harassment. You can report all other forms of unlawful discrimination or harassment by submitting a completed complaint form to the Director of Compliance, Training & Employee Relations.

Who Can File a Report?

Anyone (students, faculty, or staff) can report gender-based discrimination or sexual misconduct to the college. It does not matter if you were personally involved in an incident or if you witnessed something happening to someone else. Cabrillo College follows a See Something, Say Something, Do Something model. This means we expect community members to look out for each other and report misconduct that affects all members of our campus community.

When Should I File a Report?

You should report incidents of gender-based discrimination and sexual misconduct as soon as possible. While it is never too late to report sexual harassment, sexual assault, stalking, or dating or domestic violence, it is much easier to conduct a thorough investigation if a report is made in a timely manner. Reporting instances of sexual misconduct as soon as possible allows the college help you (and other affected parties) connect with valuable support services.

Where Should I File My Report?

You have the choice to report sexual misconduct to Mission College, West Valley College, District Human Resources, or District Police or local Police. You can file a report with the District and still decline to file a report with local law enforcement agencies. If you are unsure of where to file your report, contact the College's Title IX Coordinator to discuss your reporting options, and help you file a report with the WVMCCD District Police if you so desire. Report all instances of of gender-based discrimination and sexual harassment to the Title IX Coordinator.

Filing a Report with the College

To file a formal complaint complete the Title IX Incident Report form and e-mail a completed copy to the College's Title IX Coordinator.

The Title IX Coordinator at Mission College is:

Omar Murillo Ed. D.,  Vice President of Student Services

Mission College Student Services

3000 Mission College Blvd

Santa Clara, CA 95054

Phone: (408) 855-5195

Email: [email protected]


The Title IX Coordinator at West Valley College is:

Debra Griffith Ed.D., Vice President, Student Services, Diverstiy and Inclusion

West Valley College Student Services

14000 Fruitvale Avenue

Human Resources Department

Saratoga, CA 95070

Phone: (408) 741-2438

Email: [email protected]


The District Title IX Compliance Officer at WVMCCD is:   

Samantha Folb, District-Director, Compliance, Training & Employee Relations

Human Resources Department

14000 Fruitvale Avenue

Saratoga, CA 95070

Phone: (408) 741-2194 Fax: (408) 867-9059

Email: [email protected]

Hiring Hub

Hiring Hub

What is the HR Hiring Hub?

The HR Hiring Hub is an opportunity for student and short-term new hires to have access to a "one stop shop" hiring experience.  The Hiring Hub allows them to complete their hiring packet, I-9 verification, review TB paperwork, and get them in the system so that they can begin working as soon as possible. 

New employees may still go through the normal hiring process and complete their documents through DocuSign, however, if you are interested in an expedited turnaround or you have someone who would prefer an in-person hiring experience, the HR Hiring Hub is for you!

How do I process a new hire through the Hiring Hub?

  1. Complete the correct NOE form and collect all required signatures. 
  2. Provide the signed NOE (front and back) to new hire.
  3. Direct your new hire to attend one of the Hiring Hub days outlined below. Ask new hire to complete and bring with them the items listed on the back of the form (TB test, fingerprints if needed, required documents, etc.).
  4. Remind your new hire to expect to be at the Hiring Hub for about 1-1 ½ hours to complete all paperwork.
  5. Once all steps are completed through the Hiring Hub the approved NOE will be signed by HR and returned to the supervisor via email with an approved start date.  REMINDER: An individual cannot start working until you have received the approved NOE with a start date from the HR office.

Upcoming Hiring Hub Dates 

West Valley - Administration Building

Mission College- SEC 346


For questions about the HR Hiring Hub, please contact: 

Danielle Ramirez-King

Human Resource Specialist II

West Valley-Mission Community College District

(408) 741-2171

[email protected]