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Dental HMO Plan

Associate faculty are eligible to participate in a pre-paid DeltaCare Dental HMO. In this program, members must go to an in-network DeltaCare primary care dentist.

DeltaCare HMO

Enrollment Resources

2025 Monthly Rates

Participants Cost
Employee Only $21.62
Employee plus 1 dependent $35.66
Employee plus 2 or more dependents $55.08

Rates are subject to change at policy renewal each January.

Important Information

  • When you enroll, be sure to note on the form your primary care dentist choice. If you do not do this, you will be auto-assigned to a primary care dentist based on your home address.
  • All care must be coordinated by the primary care dentist.
  • Many benefits are paid at 100%, with some benefits subject to co-payments.
  • Associate faculty are eligible to enroll in the DeltaCare Dental HMO Plan within a 30-day window of the start of fall or spring semester.
  • Within this window, applications received by the 10th day of a month will have effective coverage beginning on the first day of the following month.
  • If you miss the 30-day window, you will have to wait until the next enrollment period to begin coverage.
  • Enrollment in this program requires that you submit premium payment for your first month of coverage through the end of the calendar year.