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Plan 3: WVMCCD Premium Reimbursement Program

Apply for Reimbursement

Qualifying associate faculty members are eligible to receive up to $2,700 in reimbursement of medical, dental, and vision insurance premiums. Details regarding the program, including eligibility, can be found in Article 102 of the WVMFT union contract and on the program application.


I have Re-Employment Preference (REP), and teach a 6.7% or greater load


I had a 40%+ load for the previous two semesters and I currently have a 40%+ load

  • Employees who qualify under this rule with at least a 20% load remain eligible for the current semester

Health insurance premiums for medical, dental, and/or vision coverage are all reimburse-able under this program. Only premiums paid to cover the PT faculty member only are covered, there are no reimbursements available for covered dependents on Plan #3.

You may be reimbursed up to a maximum of $2,700 per semester.

The Fall Semester program coverage period is July - December. The Spring Semester program coverage period is January - June.