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Understanding the Flu and Novel Influenza

Flu Shots Available at WVMCCD Health Services

Flu shots are free and available anytime Monday through Thursday from 9:00 AM to 4:30 PM. No appointment is necessary. Protect yourself and others by getting vaccinated today!

The flu is a contagious respiratory illness caused by influenza viruses. It can affect anyone and typically causes mild to severe illness, with symptoms including fever, cough, sore throat, body aches, and fatigue. In some cases, the flu can lead to complications such as pneumonia, hospitalization, and even death.

Seasonal Flu

Each year, flu season typically peaks in the fall and winter. Flu viruses spread mainly through droplets when people cough, sneeze, or talk. To reduce the spread of flu, it's important to practice good hygiene:

  • Wash hands frequently with soap and water.
  • Cover coughs and sneezes with a tissue or elbow.
  • Stay home if you're sick to prevent spreading the flu to others.

Vaccination is the best way to prevent the flu and its complications. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends an annual flu vaccine for everyone 6 months of age and older. For more information about the flu, including how to protect yourself and others, visit the CDC’s Flu Information Page.

Novel Inf luenza (Avian and Swine Flu)

Novel influenza viruses, such as avian (bird flu) and swine flu, are strains of the flu that are different from the seasonal flu.

  • Avian Flu (Bird Flu): This flu is caused by influenza viruses that primarily infect birds. Although human cases are rare, they can occur if a person has close contact with infected birds or their droppings.
  • Swine Flu: This is caused by influenza viruses that normally infect pigs but can spread to humans. Swine flu can spread from person to person in the same way as seasonal flu.

For updates and information on novel influenza viruses, including avian and swine flu, visit the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) Novel Flu.

WVMCCD Health Services and County Guidelines

At West Valley-Mission Community College District (WVMCCD), our Health Services team follows the guidelines provided by local health authorities, including the Santa Clara County Public Health Department, to ensure the safety and well-being of our campus community. We monitor health issues, including flu outbreaks, and take appropriate actions to protect students, staff, and faculty.

For the latest guidance and updates on flu season, please refer to county health updates and follow public health recommendations.

Stay Informed and Stay Healthy

Flu is a common illness, but taking precautions can help prevent its spread. Vaccination, good hygiene, and staying informed about health issues are key to maintaining a healthy campus community. If you have any questions or concerns about flu prevention or other health-related issues, please reach out to WVMCCD Health Services for assistance.