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Districtwide Projects

Projects by Measure

  • WVC Facilities Building Replacement
  • WVC MPOE Replacement Structure
  • Datatel Infrastructure Project
  • HVAC and Lighting Energy Retrofit Projects
  • Security, Safety and Monitoring
  • Energy Management System Replacement

  • Program Management
  • Debt Service Restructuring
  • Program Contingency
  • Operational Expenses
  • I.S. Building @ WVC
  • I.S. Swing Space
  • Server Replacement
  • Data Network
  • Master Plan
  • Fire Alarm Replacement
  • I.S. Building @ MC
  • Police Building Upgrades

  • Program Management
  • Administration Building - WVC - New Construction
  • Police Building and Yard - WVC - New Construction
  • Police Parking and Storage Facilities - MC
  • MPOE Bunker Renovation - WVC
  • Information Systems Server and Infrastructure Upgrades
  • HVAC and Lighting Energy Retrofit Projects
  • Security, Safety and Monitoring - MC & WVC
  • Alternative Energy Projects - Solar, Electric Charging Stations and Co-Gen Additions - MC & WVC
  • Underground Water and Sewer Line Replacement - MC & WVC
  • Utility and Electrical Upgrades for Buildings and Grounds - MC & WVC
  • Fire Alarm Upgrades - MC & WVC
  • Parking Lots, Roads and Sidewalk Replacement and Resurfacing - MC & WVC
  • ADA Barrier Removal - Mc & WVC
  • Storm Water Master Plan and Implementation Projects - MC & WVC
  • Vasona Creek Improvements