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Parking Regulations

To help ensure a positive parking experience for everyone, we have developed certain parking regulations.

  • A valid parking permit is required to park on campus. Parking permit requirements are enforced Monday through Sunday, between 7:00 AM and 10:00 PM.
  • Purchase and/or possession of a parking permit does not guarantee the availability of a parking space. It is the responsibility of the driver to locate an authorized parking space, legally park the vehicle, and properly display a valid parking permit. Vehicles with car covers are no exception.
  • Restricted areas, including disabled parking, red zones, loading zones, staff parking, and time zones, are enforced every day, 24 hours a day. Overnight is prohibited without prior authorization from District Police.
  • Parking is prohibited in any area not specifically marked as a parking space, including planted and unplanted landscapes, lawns, sidewalks, pedestrian malls, service docks, service drives, roadsides, driveways, streets and other traffic ways, pedestrian crossings, disabled ramps, bus zones, red, yellow, white and unmarked curbs, posted No Parking zones, and barricaded or closed lots and streets.
  • Vehicles must be parked with all wheels resting within the boundaries of the parking space as indicated by painted lines or other markers. Taking up more than one parking space is prohibited.
  • Motorcycles and other two-wheeled vehicles are prohibited from parking in spaces designated for four-wheeled vehicles. Designated motorcycle parking is available at West Valley College in parking lots 2, 3, 5, and 7 and at Mission College in parking lots A, B, C, and D. No parking permit is required for two-wheeled vehicles.
  • Disabled parking stalls are available to all individuals who are disabled (as defined in the California Vehicle Code Section 295.5). Vehicles parked in a disabled parking stall must properly display a valid disabled placard or specialized license plates issued by the DMV. Vehicles properly displaying a valid disabled parking permit may also park in any student, staff, or time-zone stall without displaying any other District permit. Disabled permits are not valid for use in E-plate, Service Vehicle, and Special Permit stalls, out of a marked parking stall, or other restricted areas.
  • Students or staff members who have special parking or loading needs must make arrangements with Parking Services in advance. Business cards or notes left on the vehicle are not acceptable and a citation may result.
  • Business cards or notes left on a vehicle are not an acceptable substitute for a valid parking permit. Vehicles displaying only a business card or note will receive a citation. No warnings are issued.
  • Overnight parking (between 12:00 AM - 5:00 AM) is not allowed without prior authorization from the District Police Department. Vehicles found in violation are subject to citation and/or tow. Contact Parking Services if overnight parking accommodations are needed.
  • Stolen permits should be immediately reported to the District Police Department by calling (408) 855-5435 or by visiting the Police business office on campus. A lost permit will not be replaced free of charge, however, a replacement permit may be purchased at the original purchase price.
  • Voided, stolen, altered or counterfeit permits may be confiscated by the District Police Department using any reasonable means necessary.