Remain silent! Listen for instructions. Only speak to report an emergency.
Receive instructions from your faculty member or office supervisor about where to
meet outside (closest parking lot or any safe parking lot).
Grab your belongings (without delay) and LEAVE the building as quickly as possible
(know ALL entrances/exits from your building). Use the CLOSEST SAFE exit.
Assist people who may need help getting out (but don't delay your exit).
Warn others to get out.
Use the stairs - not the elevator (exterior stairs if available) Evac-U-Chairs are
on upper floors.
Stay together. Go ALL THE WAY to the parking lot.
Keep streets and walkways clear for emergency personnel.
Stay with your group (class or office). If you were not in a class or office when
the evacuation began, go to any safe assembly area and check in with any faculty or
staff member.
Faculty and staff supervisors will provide updates on the emergency and advise if
it is safe to leave campus. DO NOT DRIVE OR LEAVE the parking lot until you have been
given information that the area around campus is safe.
Offer to help any way you can.
Faculty/Staff Supervisors
Identify the safest exit and direct your group to leave the building. Leave doors
Go to the closest safe parking lot.
COUNT HEADS as you leave the building.
Review additional GET OUT instructions for students/staff (above)
Faculty and staff supervisors COUNT HEADS.
Keep your group together (if assisting with Check In, assign your group to a colleague).
Provide information to Check In team member (hazards observed, missing/trapped people,
Provide emergency status updates to your group.
Help with Head Count.
Do not leave campus until you receive official notification from the Campus Response
Depending on the event, you may be a witness, or be contaminated, or needed to help
the campus team calm people and distribute information.
Notify the Campus Response Team if you need to leave campus. Assign your group to
Treat injuries or send to the Medical Aid station.
Help out according to your training.
Refer any media to the Command Post for the campus Public Information Officer.