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WVM Alert is the campus emergency messaging system used by West Valley and Mission colleges to ALERT students, faculty, staff, contractors and visitors of emergencies and other situations affecting our campuses.

Emergency Updates

Check X (Twitter) for emergency updates.

Receive Campus Emergency Information

Log into your portal and add your cell phone number. Invest 5 minutes in your own safety!

Classroom emergency phones - When the emergency phone rings, anyone may pick up the receiver and listen.

If you are a full-time student, full-time staff or faculty member teaching during the current semester, with access to the Portal, you do not need to register for WVM Alert. You have already been automatically registered to receive WVM Alert campus emergency messages.

Keep Your Information Updated

The information contained in the WVM Alert site comes straight from the WVMCCD Student and Staff/Faculty portals. Keep your contact information up-to-date.

Review Guidelines

Review the Emergency Guidelines so that you know what to do when you receive an emergency message.

If you are not a student, full time staff or faculty working member teaching during the current semester, you are in the right place. Register with WVM-Alert to receive campus emergency messages.

Before you register, there are a few things that you need to know:

  • It is your responsibility to maintain contact information on the WVM-Alert site.
  • Text messages are the fastest way to send out campus emergency messages, so be sure to include a cell phone number.
  • When you submit the registration a verification email will be sent to your email address. Email comes from [email protected]. Click on the link and log back into the WVM Alert site. You must ADD YOURSELF TO AN OPT-IN LIST in order to receive messages (see second tab on your account screen).
  • It is your responsibility to opt-out when you no longer want to receive campus emergency messages.
  • Review the Emergency Guidelines so that you know what to do when you receive an emergency message.

Frequently Asked Questions