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Surplus Property

Per AP 6550, the District may sell for cash any District personal property if the property is not required for District purposes, or if it should be disposed of for the purpose of replacement, or if it is unsatisfactory or not suitable for use.

Online auctions for the District’s surplus property are hosted by Public Surplus.

Frequently Asked Questions

Fill out a Dispose District Property Form (DDP)

Please email the completed DDP to surplusFREEWVM and include photo files (if any).

Yes. It is acceptable to complete one approved DDP and attach a spreadsheet with the required information listed in the DDP.

General Services will acknowledge receipt of your form within 48 hours. Removal of items will be completed within 3-4 weeks. All contents of all drawers and/or storage cabinets must be removed prior to pickup.

Failure to provide a PO # will cause funds from surplus to go to District's General Fund.

Yes, prior to items being donated or sold, you may contact the District Warehouse Supervisor to arrange viewing of current surplus for departmental repurpose.

It depends. If it is determined by the General Services office to be a large job, a moving company may need to be hired and paid for by the department.

Coordination of large surplus jobs require notification to General Services a minimum of 4-6 weeks in advance. The requester must submit a purchase requisition with budget administrator signature to initiate a purchase order to an approved moving company.

No. Per the District’s Administrative Procedure 6550, the District is responsible for repurposing surplus property or selling it at public auction, with the proceeds returned to the District’s General Fund.

The General Services office is happy to accept your recommendations for donating surplus items to a public, charitable, civic or non-profit organization. Please submit their contact information along with your completed DDP. General Services will determine if the items can be donated.
