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Contract Services

Request for Contract (RFC)

Requesters are required to complete and submit a Request for Contract (RFC) form for contracted services at least 30 days before services are scheduled to begin. The RFC should be uploaded to the Requester's Requisition.

Independent Contractor Checklist

All independent contractor agreement requests must be accompanied by an Independent Contractor Checklist.

Agreement Types

An independent contractor is not an employee and is not under the control of the District. In general, an independent contractor is an individual with a specific skill or technical knowledge hired by means of a written agreement to perform a particular job for a designated period of time.

Consultant Services are of an advisory nature, provide a recommended course of action or personal expertise, and this agreement has a product, which is basically a transmittal of information either written or verbal.

A standard release of liability agreement. Should be used only for performers for theatrical events, musicians, and Lecturers (aka guest speakers). Used for a single or short event timeframe.

For use of miscellaneous general services.

For special services and to advise in financial, economic, accounting, engineering, legal or administrative matters per GOV §53060. They must be specially trained, experienced and competent to perform the services required.

Note on Timing

Contract execution between two parties could take a minimum 30-60 days, especially if a non-standard agreement is being used. Please coordinate accordingly. If a formal bid is required, the typical timeline is 6-8 weeks. Advance planning is strongly recommended.
