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Guidelines for Public Participation

Public Comments

Public comment requests may be submitted electronically by emailing Board Clerk, Rebecca Alvarez at rebecca.alvarezFREEWVM or via phone by calling 408-741-2072. Attendees may either request to speak by raising their hand at the meeting or via the Zoom raise hand feature.

Please include the following information in your public comment request:

  • Subject
  • Meeting Date
  • Topic
  • Name
  • Title
  • Organization (optional):
  • Address (optional):

How to address the Board (Speaking):

When it is your turn to address the Board, the Board Clerk will call your name based on the information provided above in the Public Comment Request.

Please note:

Per Board Policy 2345, three minutes may be allotted to each speaker with a maximum of 30 minutes per subject. No action or discussion shall be undertaken on any public comments except that members of the Board or its staff may briefly respond to or ask a question for clarification regarding statements made or questions posed by persons addressing the Board under this agenda item. The Board President may adjust the individual’s allotted speaking time when multiple persons want to speak on the same subject.