Area 7
Elected to Office
Trustee Susan Fish is an attorney and a registered nurse. After working with two medical malpractice defense firms, she established her own law firm in 2020, working exclusively in many medical-related areas.
Trustee Fish has served on the Los Gatos Planning Commission and on the Board of Trustees for Lincoln Law School of San Jose. She currently serves on the Mission-West Valley Land Corporation Investment Committee and chairs the Audit and Budget Oversight Committee.
She has lived in the Santa Clara Valley for most of her life, is a graduate from West Valley College, a parent of two West Valley College graduates, and a faculty spouse for 26 years. Her ties to the District are long and strong.
Trustee Fish was instrumental in bringing The College of Adaptive Arts, offering education opportunities for special needs adults, to the West Valley campus. CAA is the first such program in the nation and offers WVC students the opportunity to earn college credits mentoring special needs students.