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Legislative and Policy Oversight | LPOC

Mission Statement

The Legislative and Policy Oversight Committee (LPOC) develops and promotes the District's legislative agenda, aligns board policies with state regulations, fosters civic engagement within the community, and initiates data collection to inform policy recommendations.


Develop recommendations for the District's legislative agenda by identifying key advocacy priorities. Prepare policy papers and resolutions based on data collection and ongoing dialogue with campus constituencies, such as Academic Senates, Classified Senates, and Associated Student Governments, for the Board of Trustees' consideration.

Review potential revisions to District Board Policies to align with Government and Education Code updates, as informed by the Community College League of California's (CCLC) biannual policy recommendation updates. Present recommended revisions for the Board of Trustees to consider for formal adoption.

Catalyze policy discussions with the Board of Trustees by recommending data collection requests for the Chancellor to inform board policy and legislative advocacy strategies. Utilize District and College resources to build data dashboards that enrich the LPOC's reports to the Board of Trustees with actionable insights.

Ensure the Board receives accurate, up-to-date, and relevant briefings on legislative developments impacting the District.

Strategic Schedule

LPOC convenes quarterly to align with pivotal phases of the legislative cycle and the CCLC's biannual Board Policy recommendation updates. The first meeting coincides with the start of the legislative cycle and sets forth the District's legislative and advocacy priorities. To ensure the District's prompt integration of required policy revisions, subsequent meetings align with the release of the CCLC's Board Policy updates in April and November. A fourth meeting in the summer finalizes the District's advocacy priorities before the legislative session concludes. Special meetings may take place as needed to refine advocacy strategies or policy recommendations in response to dynamic political or policy developments.


Open Board of Trustees Agendas in BoardDocs

Not less than 72 hours prior to each Regular Meeting and 24 hours prior to each Special Meeting, the agenda for the meeting is posted on each campus. The agenda is also posted on Board Docs. It is important to check the agenda for each meeting to verify the location and start-time of the meeting.