
Our Mission

To support the participatory governance process, the District Services Council was formed to facilitate the coordination of administrative service units and activities as well as cooperation with the colleges.  The Council is the counterpart to the highest level participatory governance councils at the colleges.  The Council provides a unified voice for District administrative services functions in order to help build trust, cooperation, mutual understanding, team identity, and better educate the entire district community with respect to District Services activities.   The Council also provides a forum for consensus-building and conflict resolution among its constituencies.  Goals of the Council are to focus on customer service; to build cohesive, positive relationships between the colleges and District Services; and to identify and pursue goals and objectives created through strategic planning processes. The Council coordinates all initiatives that arise from the district administrative services area.


The District Services Council is a body composed of representatives from: Advancement; District Police; Facilities, Construction and Maintenance; Fiscal Services; General Services; Human Resources; Information Systems; and the Chancellor's Staff.  It is aided by a group of ex-officio representatives, who provide additional assistance and input.  These members include, but need not be limited to, representatives of the academic, classified and student senates, and the colleges' administrative services areas.


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